Describes crawler source code layout, and development process
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Git branching model

Crawler projects follow the Git Flow. There is no particular good reason to do that, except that at least one common workflow is required.

To summarize the workflow:

  1. Crawler developers push to the develop branch
  2. When ready, integrators creates a release/vX.X branch and deploy, and iterate until version is good for production.
  3. Integrators merge the release/vX.X branch on the master branch, and tag it.

Project layout

Crawler repositories are all based on a template project owned by Cogniteev core developers. When the template is modified, changes are dispatched on all crawlers, so stay tune!

A crawler project provides, among others, the following files:

  • Dockerfile: to build the Docker image used by Docido application.
  • requirements-dev.txt: provides additional Python packages required to test the crawler.
  • tox.ini: tox configuration file, see Validate your changes section below.
  • settings.yml: dcc-run environment configuration
  • settings-es.yml: dcc-run utility input file, for crawlers that need Elasticsearch to run properly.
  • .dcc-runs.yml: dcc-run input file, providing crawls configuration.

Bootstrap development environment

You may use tox to ensure that your pull-crawler source code is sane. Run the following commands to bootstrap your development environment:

git clone .../docido-pull-crawler-foo.git
cd docido-pull-crawler-foo
virtualenv .env
. .env/bin/activate
pip install tox


You may test your development against Python 2.7.9

Validate your changes

Before pushing change to the develop branch, you must ensure that the tox command works properly. This command executed:

  • unit-tests
  • unit-tests coverage. There is no minimum percentage required, but you may ensure that it never decreases !
  • check source code compliancy against PEP8 standards